Tuesday, February 19, 2013



I don’t mind when my head is bowed

The weight of cares bald my scalps

The pains of age and growth

The wavering fortunes of doubts and cares

I have often wished

I would cross the finish line stronger than when I started

But so often I fall and sprain a limb

No matter how long the nights persist

I can get up and run again

 So when the angry winds shake my resolve and all

When the sail is rent and the rudders’ in splinters

When there is a wreak and all falls apart

I can cuddle in the arms mightier than i

Cos I am firmly in the grips of grace

It is like walking off the cliff

And there is mad rush for the medics

The shouts of aaahhs and ooohhhs

But I won’t come crashing down

Because I never fall beyond grace

There is a whisper in my spirit

A still small whisper saying

Where sin abounds grace abounds much more

Where pain abounds comfort abounds much more

Where misery abounds hope abounds much more

Where penury abounds abundance abounds much more

Where sickness abounds wellness abounds much more

Where the impetus to give up is highest the power to continue is a million times  MORE

Where the road ends the passion to become a trail blazer comes

Move on there are no DEAD ENDS in God.

So when the news is all gloom and doom

And the markets crash and turn

Just know nothing can take me from the grips of GRACE.