Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Father,My Father

My Father ,My Father
the chariot of Israel
and the horseman too

My Father
the wheel,the motion,the way
the rudder,the compass,the direction
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the endless one,the timeless one,
seconds, and every measure of time
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the song,the music,the rhyme,the rhythm,
the note,the voice,the pitch,the tone,the melody
the sound and all that soothes the heart
My Father,the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father,
the message,the medium,the missive,
the word,the letter,the thought,the thinker
of all said and left unsaid
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the story,the plot,the muse,the storyteller,
the narrator,the narrative,the written word
the spoken word, the true and faithful witness
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the war,the battle,the bow,the arrow,
the victor,the conqueror,the captain,the banner
the one who leads our victory parade
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father My Father
the hill,the valley,the cleft
the alpha,omega and everything between
my father
the many breasted GOD.

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