Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Endless One

i got a measuring line
and measured

the length and depths
 of heaven

i have tried to fathom
your length

but my measure has failed me
words fail me too

for how can i measure the
smile of a baby

the joy of a mother
holding her child

or how do seeds grow
a seedling enters the ground

and a small shoot
breaks from the crust of wet earth

or how do babies come
little and fragile

the sequence of life
and the mystery of death

the process of life
and the steep of aging

i have tried to measure
the oceans

and the world in them
a universe of extreme beauty

i tried to measure the vistas of the mind
or where do you go when you sleep?

what moment do you fall asleep
when you are awake

beyond the realms of matter
i can feel you

beyond what my little mind
can comprehend

i can boldly call you

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Limitless One

you are God
simply God

if we are constrained by thesame limitations
then you wont be God

but what limits me
cannot limit you

what holds me down
cannot hold you

little wonder the centurion said
speak the word alone

and my servant will be whole
and whole he was in the same hour

for he reasoned
you didn't have to walk the distance

your word is you
you are your word

for he reasoned
that his limitation was space

but you created space
you pre- existed space

his limitation was time
but you are ageless

his limitation was matter
but your gave form to every material

his limitations was death
but you are life

so  he reasoned
"i am a man i am limited"

but i say unto a soldier GO
and he dashes

how much more
the Father of Spirit and Life

speak the word
because what holds me cannot hold you

these fetters are cobwebs
before you

you entered the strictures of death
and dared his sting

the pains of death waned
the pangs of death wilted

death where is you sting
grave where is your venom

speak the word
limitless GOD

and all of creation will

speak and my heart will

speak for you live forever to speak
on my behalf to the limitless one

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Parable Of Rods

Lord i am not special
i am like any other

i am Moses' rod
an ordinary piece of wood

a found object
a stray,a common

not favoured by birth
scholarship or connections

i am not curvy or smooth
not manicured or polished

except by the rough edges of your dealings
and the winds of life

 i am Moses' rod
eating other rods

i am Aaron's rod

and how can life
out of dead wood flow

yet it budded
yet it flourished

i am a David's staff
to chide and to comfort

i am Jacob's rod
worn out by use

i am Jacob's rod
bowed by experience

i am Moses' rod
parting the Red sea

i am just ordinary
but touched by an extraordinary God

a mere scapel
in the hands of a MASTER

a pencil in God's

She Walked Free

they had taken her
perhaps with nothing on

they stripped her of dignity
and every right to justice

they had taken her
but not alone

they had taken her
but brought her alone

and how will one die
for the sin of two

her secret sin
in the full glare of the day

her secret moans
was now open screams

the news had filtered
several versions and lewd graphic details

her friends were repudiating
her enemies jeered

and the stoners
practised their skills

her nude torso was gracing facebook
and tweeted on twitter

and they gathered stones
to finish what  was left of her

the stones of blind hatred shredded her soul
before the stones could tear her flesh

but they stumbled on him
and what an idea

perhaps we can stone them together
perhaps he will make a slip and...

they called him Rabbi
a bait for his buy-in

this" woooooman" emphasising her impending woes ,
her looming doom

was caught in the ACT
in the very ACT

but he scribbled in the sand
and he kept scribbling

they screamed Mr Rabbi
we have caught a sinner

but he scribbled on
and they screamed into his ears

we pulled her from under a man
a strange man

but he scribbled on
they yelled into his ears

she is a sinner

he lifts his eyes
and says let the best of you cast the first stone

he could see their secret sins
and they knew

their secret desires and past actions
played before them

slowly they threw down the stones
from the eldest

she knelt beside the hip of stones
knelt beside what could have been her tombstone

he changed her story
go and sin no more

she knelt crying
soaked in tears of gratitude

she watched what would have become her epitaph
"here lies a harlot,caught in the act"

he changed her story
she walked free from death's jaws

When The Roof Caves In

lord  i have forgotten my punctuations
and i hope my diction is correct

lord i am not trying to make it rhyme
because it doesn't

lord i have gone thru all the motions
but i have come back to you rather I'm trying to

a whisper tells me
"call it quits and walk away"

a whisper tells me
" go back to your old friends"

that you don't keep your promises
and you treat your friends badly

but lord i burnt the bridges
along time ago

there is no "back"to return to
i am stuck for good

but you've pushed me up the ladder
and pulled it from under me

i come crashing down
but i don't hit the ground

we've gone thru the map together
but I'm holding the map and compass

and i am feeling lost
i can feel you around but cant find my way

lord you've destroyed my confidences
i am hanging on nothing

lord stop playing these games
tell me you are near

the roof has caved in
and all i hinged on it

the roof has caved in
and has choked my heart

lord tell me you are near
yell into my heart

scream into my ears
speak to my fears

tell me I'm dreaming
but let me wake in your arms.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It Is TIme

When the brook dries up it is time for the ravens when the ravens stop it is time for the angels when you have run the journey of 40 nights on the strength of a meal and you're exhausted it is time for the widow woman when the famine has done it's worst and the barrels did not waste it is time to feed from heaven's chefs to be nursed by kings and suck the breast of queens to dwell in houses you did not build to eat from vineyards you did not plant happy birthday it is time for Mrs Olusola Opesanwo

Saturday, June 16, 2012

And She Touched

today is like any other
the morning peeps from
under yesterday's darkness

the birds sing
the sun wakes with a wink
the shuffle of feet  and all

today is like any other day for her
only this flow wont stop
today is like the day it all started,just another day

only that hope has drained away
along with it
her time,money,pride,self esteem and youth

what could have become of her family?
her husband and children
her hope,her desires her all

what the doctors left
the quacks took
what the quacks left

life was taking
slowly and painfully
like a guillotine in slow motion

a shred of wasting humanity
her life was like
waiting for the hangman

she measured time
from rays through
the key hole

or from the misery
they called meals
few and far between

but she could hear
firstly whispers
then shouts of joy

she could discern
the mood of passing feet
she could feel unusual energy

then she heard
the blind see
the lame walk

the poor have the gospel
preached to them
even tax collectors returned their loot

she had asked her doctor
who is HE
some apprentice carpenter he mumbles

but can he heal me
you cant go out he says
if i cant help what can he do

but she dares the darkness
she steps into the light
she breaks away from the darkness inside her

if he can raise the dead
then just a fraction of his power will do
she dared the keepers of he law

she touched the skirting of his garment
and it stayed
her darkness shrank before his light

she would have sneaked back
but he turns around asking
who touched me?

in a sea of heads
he could feel every pulse
every seeking heart

the throng pulled and tussled
but she touched
touched with an intent to draw out

she came seeking
she returned healed
emptied of life,she returned full

drained of dignity
she returned dignified
dead she got her life back

she said in herself
if i can touch the helm of his garment
and she touched

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Father,My Father

My Father ,My Father
the chariot of Israel
and the horseman too

My Father
the wheel,the motion,the way
the rudder,the compass,the direction
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the endless one,the timeless one,
seconds, and every measure of time
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the song,the music,the rhyme,the rhythm,
the note,the voice,the pitch,the tone,the melody
the sound and all that soothes the heart
My Father,the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father,
the message,the medium,the missive,
the word,the letter,the thought,the thinker
of all said and left unsaid
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the story,the plot,the muse,the storyteller,
the narrator,the narrative,the written word
the spoken word, the true and faithful witness
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father
the war,the battle,the bow,the arrow,
the victor,the conqueror,the captain,the banner
the one who leads our victory parade
the chariot of Israel and the horseman

My Father My Father
the hill,the valley,the cleft
the alpha,omega and everything between
my father
the many breasted GOD.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mowumi,Hurray The Storm Has Lost His Voice

I can still remember our first meeting
the friendship,trust and  alas its 18 years

i can remember the strolls
the laughter and gentleness
you read my poetry
despite my angst against God
you stomached my oddness
my dressing and weird friends

we had combed the several gardens
friends and nothing more
just very" good friends"
then we lost"friends"also
you lost yours and i lost mine
or did they show their true colours?

we have weathered the storms
sharing a bottle of Pepsi and a snack
heading to Kano and you to Benue
keeping vigils at phone booths
hugging the mouthpiece
straining to hear you
remember the days of NITEL

but the storms kept coming
they were baby ,"toy" storms
then we tied the knot
i had returned from Kano a different man
had burnt my anti -God poetry
we tied our commitment of faith
love and storms gathered

they gathered as fair breeze
gentle ,harmless breeze
they gathered like the evening breeze
then they became stronger
softly at first then the whistle began
to thunder

first, it was my sudden relocation
to Port Harcourt
and the battle for a child
the strange ants,the nightmares
the lost possessions
and the storms gathered
alas in the midst of it a baby girl
a wonderful gift

the sudden move again
the wrong investments of trust and funds
the years of paying what we didn't owe
then when the stern would have
broken from the fierce winds
against the run of predictions
what they called a benign tumour was
a baby boy

we had hardly settled
when my mild side pains became long nights of crying
you often went from hospital to office and back
from scan to scan
and finally the long night of the knife
without hope you were by side
and when the hordes of hell came calling
you would in prayer resist

from theatre to theatre
and i despaired of life
all the horizon was gloom and death
but you were there
daring the storm to do its worst

i cant hold back the tears
 but the long nights are bringing out laughter
strokes that don't break the back make it stronger
then you were at the the very verge of death
the very door of it
the child,the wrong injection
the surgeries and the storm wreaked  its worst
and we buried her
oh death where is your sting?

and then i fell
the round of surgeries again
the spending of time and love
the healing,wearing a wire
and being nursed
but the storm has wreaked its worst

the storm has lost its breathe
the wind is gone from its sail
our little journey is still on
we started as two
and are now five
Akorede,Iretomilowo and Semilore

we are are thankful
utterly thankful
for the many miracles
the tokens and the seemingly intangible
we remain steeply thankful
to the Almighty

the storm has lost its voice
its hoarse strain is barely audible
and we celebrate today
may it be a new day
may the many miracles cement our
to God and each other

the storm has wilted
its resolve broken
the night has given birth to praise
the sighs to singing
the hissings to hallelujahs
the night is over

as your days
shall your strength be
you will call one and a million
will answer
the pleasure of the lord will prosper
in your hands


Let My Heart Call You Lord

i can shout on the roof top
wave my hands and sing
i can speak the language of angels
and make beautiful noise
i can close my eyes and raise my hands
in adoration
but lord
let my heart call you lord

let my will lay prostrate before yours
let my preferences submit to yours
let my convenience be easily replaced by yours
let my songs be the melody of your heart
let my pulse be your heart beat
let my heart call you lord

let my will bow when it really matters
in the little issues that don't seem to matter
let you be lord indeed
in closet and in the open
let my mild fantasies and wild passions
have a master in you
let my heart call you lord

and lord
when it is in my power to act
when i need no help to accomplish
and the choices are all mine
and seem good
may i still bow and make your choice
let my heart call you lord

let my heart bow to you
in want and plenty
and all in between
and when I'm so sure i am right
and when I'm so sure i have the answers
let my heart still bow and say
lord be the master of my heart and all.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Don't Let The Darkness Scare You

Don't let the darkness scare you
a little light will chase it away

Don't let the shadows bring fear
the lurking gnomes of darkness cannot stand the light
if they are bold
they will come into the light

light tests everything
if you're strong enough
endure the light

you won,t grow
light grows everything
 you lurk in darkness
you will diminish

i am a child of the light
you won't have a hold on me

Don't let the darkness scare you
a little light will chase it away

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mowumi,A Song Of Questions

i am Peter's reed
tossed to and fro by the waters
i am Peter's sinking feet
trying my tender faith on surging waters
if it is you bid me come
the cuff of angry wind against my face
and I'm sinking and crying out
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's fiery anger
knocked off Malchus's ear
i am Peter's wet faith
getting warmth by the fire
i am Peter's fleeing faith saying
"i never knew him"
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's ear
hearing the cockcrow thrice
i am Peter's heart
tearing my garments and weeping
i am Peter's conscience
playing back the master's words
"you're not as strong as you imagine"
but i still ask
is it you or do i seek another?

i am the prodigal running off
to the red light district
i am the prodigal's father
waiting daily for his return
i am the prodigal's brother
though near yet farther than the prodigal
i am the prodigal's feet
dragging back home
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's boat
loafing on the waters all night
i am Peter's will
bulking at the master's word
i am Peter's net
breaking at the draught
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's faith saying
"you are the Christ of God"
i am Peter's faith saying
"you will not die"
i am Peter's feet
running into the empty tomb
i am Peter's eyes seeing him accepted into the clouds
Lord it is you
i seek no other

Lord,This Burden

We've had a swell evening
strolling hand in hand

the soothing breeze
floats around our banters

you've teased  and tickled
the warmth of your presence so  strong

i have felt light
very free with no worries

i felt like the wind

it feels like the wind and i have something in common
playing"catcher" on the tree tops

you,re about leaving
and I'm so sad

then i remember the burden
lord, i don't feel like the wind again

lord,you should take it with you
this burden

you gently hold my hand
the warmth ,the assurance

and you say
"my grace is more than enough...

my power comes thru where your power ends
so sing about the burden,my wind can carry you both"

She Dared

she was standing in the rain
as drenched as her conscience

she was wary of bystanders
could read the invisible jeers from nameless  faces

it is a cold world
colder than a Siberian winter

her soul was colder
bereft of love and care

she is used to being used
tired of being vulnerable

she hears  a thousand whispers from sealed lips
a thousand winks from closed eyes

every helper was a user
every helping hand had a hidden dagger

she won't trust the Sunday morning crowd
they judge and pontificate, but they don't live in her world

she had long shut her world
shut the doors and flung the keys

alone in her world
she made the rules and broke the rules

but still she had something
she waited for his coming

so as she went to the well
and she saw him sitting and thirsty

another son of Adam
a prowling son of Adam

"you don't take drinks from my likes " she says
"it is not religiously correct."

"we are supposed to assemble on the mountain"she says
at least as far as i know

"you can't get a drink for yourself
and you claim to have some drink that won't make me thirst again?"

"but our father's drank from here
even the patriarch and thirsted" she says

but she dared to ask
give me this water

so i won't come this way
so the whispers and jeers will stop

so i won't face a cold uncaring world
always taking never giving

but in her quest she could perceive
"i think you are a different" she says

she dared to trust his words
she dared to run off at his words

she dared to run to town
to her putrid past

she faced the jeers of former in-laws
and whispers of alimony questions

she dared to ask him who he IS
she dared to believe his answer

she dared to face a city
and speak of what brought her shame

naked,she became clothed
loathed she became honoured

nameless, her name resounds thru history
"the woman by the well"

graceless,she found help
became a source of help

beyond help
she fell within the grips of grace

she dared to love again
she dared to call him LORD

No Hymns Here (Psalm 137)

they that held us captive
required of us a song
they that wasted us
required of us mirth
saying "sing the songs of Zion"
but how can we sing the lord's song in a strange land

so we have hung our harps on the willows
we wont sing with bullets to the head
we wont sing with bayonets to the bosom
the songs of Zion are not coerced
they are love songs from a grateful creature to his maker
they are melodies that heal the heart and soul

the fair maidens have hung the tambourines
from the strains of a hard days work
the young men have hung the drums
marks of the task masters whip still fresh
though we wont sing in a strange land
our hearts will make melody
though the blows wont get us to entertain
worship to our God will flow
like rivers from within

though we have memories of a distant homeland
we will worship
he has wounded us
he will yet bind us
his anger never last forever

there are no hymns here
singing for you is contempt in heaven's courts
our worship is with the heart
not for money
not for fame
we are worshippers
not entertainers

one day  when his anger is gone
and the power of your hold wilts
then you will see the procession of his sons and daughters
free to sing to their king
then your sorrows will be multiplied
then free
the worship from our hearts will come to our mouths
then it will be your turn to bear the burden

your burdens have taught us a new praise
your pain has made us better praisers
but before our shoulders are rid of your burden
our lips will remain sealed
but our hearts will be open
open for his praise alone

Friday, May 4, 2012

Diary Of A Hindered Man

Many times we imagine that the Bible time characters are fictitious.The figment of someones fertile imagination.We hardly ever think that they were people who lived the way we do today.They had household chores,ran errands,had neighbours and had expectation from the society.They slept ,woke and went about being busy like anyone of us.
One interesting character in the Bible was Paul,formerly Saul,he seemed to have had a very peculiar story and seemed to have been faced by many hindrances.Reading through the book of Acts from the ninth chapter ,from his encounter to his call he was faced from city to city by upheavals and hindrances.

Imagine for once that you fellowshipped with Paul and he comes to church one day or writes a letter from some distant missionary outpost saying among other things  "... and Satan hindered us."1 Thess.2:18 or Rom.15:22 "..for this cause also i have been much hindered from coming to you".Or let us imagine that Paul kept a diary and that his writings were contained in the Bible.But how could Satan hinder Paul? Can any one working for God be hindered? Lets take a closer look at the scripture in Romans 15 it says "for this cause..." anytime there is a Godly cause all hell is let loose. Anytime there is a cause God sets you on a divine course and ...hindrances spring up.Paul says in another place that he fought wild beasts at Ephesus,in fact another time he records "...we were pressed above measure in so much that we despaired of life... we received the sentence of death in our selves" 2 cor 1.8-9. but we are comforted by his words also.

For example he writes in his journal" ... through all this things i am more than a conqueror through him who loved us"Rom 8:37. He says everythinhg that hap penned to him was for the advancement of the gospel. The perils of sea,perils of cold , the wanderings and stoning,the lack and travails of falsebrethren was for the furtherance of thr gospel ,he was just saying the travails were bringing out the best in him. Little wonder he constantly asked brothers pray for us. Here is another important lesson. We need to pray for one another.

Lastly he writes two very profound statements. Acts 26:22..."having therefore received help of God i continue to this day" he was saying , i am just like you but as i have received grace, i have received help and because of that all the hindrances were for the furtherance of the gospel.I have continued to this day. if he continued to this day ,then where are the hindrances? they become history because a hindered man is always a helped man.Secondly he said...2 Tim2:9...."wherein i suffer as an evil doer unto bonds but the word of God is not bound"he was writing that the bonds was not capable of holding him but the word of God that cannot be bound was holding him up and delivering help to him.

He was a hindered man but he was also a helped man because he was within the grips of grace. He was overcoming hindrances because he had a divine cause.I pray that the number of our battles will be the number of our victories.that as we have received help we will continue and end well.

The Fonts Of Faith

Were Faith to be Fonts?
 I would wish it was bold
I would wish it was in black and white
Very legible
I wish the fonts of faith were cursive
Startling in beauty and very sure
I wish faith were scrolled in many beautiful colors
Very attractive

But the fonts of Faith are barely seen
The tiny scribbling of a toddler
The silent bowing of questioning heart
The muffled sobs of a bereaved mother
The invisible tears of a torn heart
The shrill clang of pebbles on coffins
Like the possessed boy's father saying
"I believe help thou my faltering"

The fonts of Faith are as tiny as the mustard
As unsure as the toddler's first steps
Yet He says even if your Faith is fainter than mine
That is just enough.
Just enough to have joy back
Just enough to have your son back
Just enough to make all of heaven stop
Just enough
Because he was a tender shoot from a hard ground
He knows how to use little, unsure things
The fonts of my Faith are not big and bold
They are not impressive or certain
They like a pre-schoolers colour book
He meets me half way
He steadies my steps
Holds my hands
Wipes my tears
Changes my diapers
Makes big things from the nothingness of my state.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Anchor For The Soul (2)

The Witness Of The Spirit

1 JOHN 5:4-11
4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 6 This is He who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. 7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one. 9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son. 10 He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. 11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son
God is never without a witness.Every human law has its roots in scriptures.The Bible tells us that the testimony of one witness is not admisible there must be at least two witnesses and the testimony of the witnesses must agree.A witness simply says that i was at the scene of the occurence,i am privy to the facts of the incident on a first-hand basis  and thereby swears to the veracity of a party's statement or otherwise.In other words a witness has facts on the occurence of a matter that proves the veracity or strength of a case.

So Apostle John says that "whatsoever is born of God has overcome the world" which simply means that what or whosoever carries God's DNA  has overcome the world and the this is the victory that overcomes even or faith.The grounds of our victory was established long before the conflict began. The victory was enacted before the trials we are facing. This is guaranteed because our victory was established in the courts of heaven.So when there is a contest on the grounds of our victory or certain challenges come that try our faith we have a sure witness that was there when our victory was acomplished.Every victory of the believer is in the" past tense".Excuse my grammar but what i mean is that every victory was already given to us by Jesus. The bible says in 1 Peter 2:24 "who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness--by whose stripes you were healed".

The scriptures say that there are three that bear witness in heaven;the father,the word,and the spirit and these three are one ,it also says that there are three that bear witness on the earth;the water,the blood and the spirit,these also are one.Remember the scriptures also say that Jesus is the representation or the manifestation of the Godhead bodily,therefore this implies that the witness in Heaven is Jesus manifested as the son of God and the witness on earth is Jesus manifested as the son of man.That was why blood and water flowed when he was crucified.Remember the  scriptures also say that he did not come by water alone but  by water and blood and he left us his spirit as our comforter.

We have this revelation as an anchor for the soul because the witness of the spirit of Jesus Christ is in every believer agreeing with our spirit that the word of God is true. That is why we always have confidence when there is an ocurrence contrary to our faith and against our well being we have peace, very deep peace because the spirit,who is the witness of the proceedings in heaven,the Spirit that was the performers of God"s word at creation,the spirit who also raised Jesus from the dead,the Spirit that is presently our" paraklet"and who the Bible says is the "deposit guarantee" of our  inheritance.(2 Cor 1:22, 2 Cor 5:5, Eph1:14) is in us and he begins to comfort our hearts and if we are attentive enough he begins to allow us into proceedings in heaven.

So brethren we have an anchor because the spirit bears witness with our spirit about everything we are passing through and more importantly the Bible tells us that the spirit searches all things even the deep things of God and opens our heart to the the things that are freely given to us by God.We have an anchor for the soul because the spirit gives timely divine information for our protection,counsel and guidiance. We are comforted that although we do not know everything we have comfort in all things because the witness of the Holy Spirit in our hearts is always true.

Monday, April 16, 2012

An Anchor For The Soul 1

when GOD stood in the WITNESS BOX.

It sure sounds funny.God in aWITNESS BOX? What!. To see the Judge of the earth(Gen 18:25) take the witness stand and swear to an oath,to imagine that the Gorvenor(Psalm 22:28) among the Nations will take an oath. Why will God have to swear? Was just speaking his Word not enough? Did he not just speak the world into existence? An oath implies that the person taking it will not lie.Then,Why will God want to lie?

However God took the witness stand to speak the language of men.The scriptures tell us (Heb6:16) that "Men swear by a greater  and an Oath of confirmation to them is an end to all strive" the Message translation puts it thus, "When people make promises, they guarantee them by appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any question that they'll make good on the promise, the authority will back them up. 17 When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee - 18 God can't break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable. 19 It's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God" while in the complete Jewish Bible it says Heb 6:16-19 "16 Now people swear oaths by someone greater than themselves, and confirmation by an oath puts an end to all dispute.   17 Therefore, when God wanted to demonstrate still more convincingly the unchangeable character of his intentions to those who were to receive what he had promised, he added an oath to the promise; 18 so that through two unchangeable things, in neither of which God could lie, we, who have fled to take a firm hold on the hope set before us, would be strongly encouraged. 19 We have this hope as a sure and safe anchor for ourselves, a hope that goes right on through to what is inside the parokhet,.Speaking to Abraham God said " I will make you a great Nation,through you the Kingdoms of the world will be blessed.I will cause your seed to be more than the sand on the sea shore.In other words the sand on the sea shore will be fewer than your seed.God began to speak about the posterity of a childless man.He began to speak with all certainty about the future of a man that was still waiting for him. He said." know surely that your seed shall be enslaved until the cup of the Amorites is full".Have you noticed that trend in God? He has a habit of leaving your burning issues and talking about your future. He will seem to overlook what is worrying you now and start to talk about his purpose and your role in it.This got Abraham worried ,how shall a childless man father a nation?God does have a sense of humour,he went  ahead and changed his name to father of nations ,he changed his wife's name too and their situation worsened.Tongues began to wag. Haaa!Abram has lost it.He has changed his name though he is childless and every time he was called that name a knife went through his heart.The name made his situation more pitiful,it pointed to his reproach. HE asked God shall this Eleazar of Damascus be the man over my house? latter he asked again oh that Ishmael may live before you. Apostle Paul makes us understand that Abraham's body was dead as was Sarah's womb.But praise God his word is alive and active.So when God saw the faith of Abraham and the deadness of his body,the jeers of those who loooked at his hopeless situation,he swore to an oath saying literarily that,by all that makes me God i will certainly honour my word.Since an oath of confirmation is the end to all strife,dispute,questions and doubt among men. God took the witness box and swore "that i will certainly perform my word".The judge of the whole earth decided to help the faith of one man and sopke his word backing it with an unchangeable oath ,he gave a guarantee that the voice that spoke the world into existence could not fail in the issue of one man.When God decides to commit himself to ensure that what he has said about you will come to pass. When he is going ahead contrary to all physical manifestation of your present circumstance to show that he is still at work; working in you and working inspite of you to make sure his word comes to pass.Be assured of his love.He watches over his word to perform it.He broods over his word like a mother hen over her chicken.God is not slack as men consider slackness.He is working on your case and mine.He is busy on our account. We have hope and this hope is an anchor from the tempest of life.We have an Anchor in him and this hope is what we can hold on to.If he carried the weight of the world on his shoulder he can carry you.please study Gen:15 -18 and Hebrews 6

Saturday, April 7, 2012

a place for HIM alone (2)

Welcome to aliyah koinonia. Building further on my earlier introduction. An aliyah ia an upper room or a chamber built in eastern houses with seperate stairways and window overlooking the street.It was usually made to entertain special visitors ,therefore it was always well furnished and kept in a state that made it always ready for use.Can we say it is like a presidential suite?.Yes,in some way it is.

There are several examples of several people who built such spaces in the Bible.The Shunamite woman is a very good one. In 2nd Kings 4:8-11,she built a room for the Prophet Elisha,furnished and she ensured that the needs of the Prophet were met.She performed her act of worship to the servant of God without having in mind the hope of any reward. She worshiped simply because she loved God and she got a child,even when the child died it was in the same "upper room" that the child was healed. Other examples are;the widow of Zarepath (1 Kings 17:19-23),Daniel (Dan 6:10), and in the New testament it is called an  Upper Room (Mk 14:15,Lk 22:12,Acts1:13 & Acts 9:37).

Aliyah Koinonia  is simply a fellowship with you and the lord,a fellowship with the lord and i, a personal relationship in the upper room of your heart where it is you and the lord only. It is coming to him without make ups. You swollen eyes;from sleep or tears,your early morning odour,worries from last night's nightmares ,bad dreams unfufiled aspirations and all.It is simply one man encouraging another to a closer walk,learning from each other and bearing our burdens, sharing our experiences under the hand of God. It is like the man with the paraplegic child saying to Jesus, "i believe help thou my unbelief" or an uncertain Mary saying,"be it unto me according to your word" or  the woman with the issue of blood saying to herself"if only i can touch the helm of his garment". Each example had a reproach,a situation that you cannot hide. A situation that people call you by. A Paraplegic child,an unwanted pregnancy,an issue of blood or a private issue with you and God alone .It is a place to speak quietly to him and hear from him without amplifications.

Apostle Peter puts it clearly in 1 Peter 3:15&16"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ." To sanctify the lord simply means to build a place that is for him alone,furnished and made fit for him in our hearts.
A Presidential suite for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in our heart.A place of seperation and deeper dealings with the LORD.

Aliyah Koinonia , Koinonia which means fellowship,is an upper room fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Join us  as often as we share and fellowship together with each other knowing that our fellowship is with him. SHALOM.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Place For Him Alone

Aliyah is an eastern word for "upper room". The kind of special space the Shunamite woman built for the Prophet of God and the place from which Daniel offered prayers in spite of the King's command.Simply it is one person going to God daily without make-ups.Aplace where it is God and you alone.