Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Parable Of Rods

Lord i am not special
i am like any other

i am Moses' rod
an ordinary piece of wood

a found object
a stray,a common

not favoured by birth
scholarship or connections

i am not curvy or smooth
not manicured or polished

except by the rough edges of your dealings
and the winds of life

 i am Moses' rod
eating other rods

i am Aaron's rod

and how can life
out of dead wood flow

yet it budded
yet it flourished

i am a David's staff
to chide and to comfort

i am Jacob's rod
worn out by use

i am Jacob's rod
bowed by experience

i am Moses' rod
parting the Red sea

i am just ordinary
but touched by an extraordinary God

a mere scapel
in the hands of a MASTER

a pencil in God's

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