Wednesday, July 4, 2012

She Walked Free

they had taken her
perhaps with nothing on

they stripped her of dignity
and every right to justice

they had taken her
but not alone

they had taken her
but brought her alone

and how will one die
for the sin of two

her secret sin
in the full glare of the day

her secret moans
was now open screams

the news had filtered
several versions and lewd graphic details

her friends were repudiating
her enemies jeered

and the stoners
practised their skills

her nude torso was gracing facebook
and tweeted on twitter

and they gathered stones
to finish what  was left of her

the stones of blind hatred shredded her soul
before the stones could tear her flesh

but they stumbled on him
and what an idea

perhaps we can stone them together
perhaps he will make a slip and...

they called him Rabbi
a bait for his buy-in

this" woooooman" emphasising her impending woes ,
her looming doom

was caught in the ACT
in the very ACT

but he scribbled in the sand
and he kept scribbling

they screamed Mr Rabbi
we have caught a sinner

but he scribbled on
and they screamed into his ears

we pulled her from under a man
a strange man

but he scribbled on
they yelled into his ears

she is a sinner

he lifts his eyes
and says let the best of you cast the first stone

he could see their secret sins
and they knew

their secret desires and past actions
played before them

slowly they threw down the stones
from the eldest

she knelt beside the hip of stones
knelt beside what could have been her tombstone

he changed her story
go and sin no more

she knelt crying
soaked in tears of gratitude

she watched what would have become her epitaph
"here lies a harlot,caught in the act"

he changed her story
she walked free from death's jaws

1 comment:

  1. Im so blessed by this, what makes me different from this woman. Sweet Jesus, your grace, ever so amazing, your mercy abounds beyond description. What can I say, saved by grace, sustained by faith, till we see face to face and dwell as one for all eternity.
