Wednesday, July 4, 2012

When The Roof Caves In

lord  i have forgotten my punctuations
and i hope my diction is correct

lord i am not trying to make it rhyme
because it doesn't

lord i have gone thru all the motions
but i have come back to you rather I'm trying to

a whisper tells me
"call it quits and walk away"

a whisper tells me
" go back to your old friends"

that you don't keep your promises
and you treat your friends badly

but lord i burnt the bridges
along time ago

there is no "back"to return to
i am stuck for good

but you've pushed me up the ladder
and pulled it from under me

i come crashing down
but i don't hit the ground

we've gone thru the map together
but I'm holding the map and compass

and i am feeling lost
i can feel you around but cant find my way

lord you've destroyed my confidences
i am hanging on nothing

lord stop playing these games
tell me you are near

the roof has caved in
and all i hinged on it

the roof has caved in
and has choked my heart

lord tell me you are near
yell into my heart

scream into my ears
speak to my fears

tell me I'm dreaming
but let me wake in your arms.


  1. In so many ways, you remind me of Joseph, a man who had so much burden of his own but instead, he chose to bear the burden of others. Tabitha, a woman whose good deeds were placed before Peter and was enough to bring her back from the dead. Job, a man who God was so proud of he said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job?'

    Read Psalm 10. Verse 17 says 'The Lord will comfort you' because you put your trust in him. He is near, nearer than you could ever imagine!

    A source of blessing you are, a source of blessing you will continue to be.

  2. thanks for your encouragement i am grateful
