Sunday, May 27, 2012

Don't Let The Darkness Scare You

Don't let the darkness scare you
a little light will chase it away

Don't let the shadows bring fear
the lurking gnomes of darkness cannot stand the light
if they are bold
they will come into the light

light tests everything
if you're strong enough
endure the light

you won,t grow
light grows everything
 you lurk in darkness
you will diminish

i am a child of the light
you won't have a hold on me

Don't let the darkness scare you
a little light will chase it away

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mowumi,A Song Of Questions

i am Peter's reed
tossed to and fro by the waters
i am Peter's sinking feet
trying my tender faith on surging waters
if it is you bid me come
the cuff of angry wind against my face
and I'm sinking and crying out
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's fiery anger
knocked off Malchus's ear
i am Peter's wet faith
getting warmth by the fire
i am Peter's fleeing faith saying
"i never knew him"
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's ear
hearing the cockcrow thrice
i am Peter's heart
tearing my garments and weeping
i am Peter's conscience
playing back the master's words
"you're not as strong as you imagine"
but i still ask
is it you or do i seek another?

i am the prodigal running off
to the red light district
i am the prodigal's father
waiting daily for his return
i am the prodigal's brother
though near yet farther than the prodigal
i am the prodigal's feet
dragging back home
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's boat
loafing on the waters all night
i am Peter's will
bulking at the master's word
i am Peter's net
breaking at the draught
is it you or do i seek another?

i am Peter's faith saying
"you are the Christ of God"
i am Peter's faith saying
"you will not die"
i am Peter's feet
running into the empty tomb
i am Peter's eyes seeing him accepted into the clouds
Lord it is you
i seek no other

Lord,This Burden

We've had a swell evening
strolling hand in hand

the soothing breeze
floats around our banters

you've teased  and tickled
the warmth of your presence so  strong

i have felt light
very free with no worries

i felt like the wind

it feels like the wind and i have something in common
playing"catcher" on the tree tops

you,re about leaving
and I'm so sad

then i remember the burden
lord, i don't feel like the wind again

lord,you should take it with you
this burden

you gently hold my hand
the warmth ,the assurance

and you say
"my grace is more than enough...

my power comes thru where your power ends
so sing about the burden,my wind can carry you both"

She Dared

she was standing in the rain
as drenched as her conscience

she was wary of bystanders
could read the invisible jeers from nameless  faces

it is a cold world
colder than a Siberian winter

her soul was colder
bereft of love and care

she is used to being used
tired of being vulnerable

she hears  a thousand whispers from sealed lips
a thousand winks from closed eyes

every helper was a user
every helping hand had a hidden dagger

she won't trust the Sunday morning crowd
they judge and pontificate, but they don't live in her world

she had long shut her world
shut the doors and flung the keys

alone in her world
she made the rules and broke the rules

but still she had something
she waited for his coming

so as she went to the well
and she saw him sitting and thirsty

another son of Adam
a prowling son of Adam

"you don't take drinks from my likes " she says
"it is not religiously correct."

"we are supposed to assemble on the mountain"she says
at least as far as i know

"you can't get a drink for yourself
and you claim to have some drink that won't make me thirst again?"

"but our father's drank from here
even the patriarch and thirsted" she says

but she dared to ask
give me this water

so i won't come this way
so the whispers and jeers will stop

so i won't face a cold uncaring world
always taking never giving

but in her quest she could perceive
"i think you are a different" she says

she dared to trust his words
she dared to run off at his words

she dared to run to town
to her putrid past

she faced the jeers of former in-laws
and whispers of alimony questions

she dared to ask him who he IS
she dared to believe his answer

she dared to face a city
and speak of what brought her shame

naked,she became clothed
loathed she became honoured

nameless, her name resounds thru history
"the woman by the well"

graceless,she found help
became a source of help

beyond help
she fell within the grips of grace

she dared to love again
she dared to call him LORD

No Hymns Here (Psalm 137)

they that held us captive
required of us a song
they that wasted us
required of us mirth
saying "sing the songs of Zion"
but how can we sing the lord's song in a strange land

so we have hung our harps on the willows
we wont sing with bullets to the head
we wont sing with bayonets to the bosom
the songs of Zion are not coerced
they are love songs from a grateful creature to his maker
they are melodies that heal the heart and soul

the fair maidens have hung the tambourines
from the strains of a hard days work
the young men have hung the drums
marks of the task masters whip still fresh
though we wont sing in a strange land
our hearts will make melody
though the blows wont get us to entertain
worship to our God will flow
like rivers from within

though we have memories of a distant homeland
we will worship
he has wounded us
he will yet bind us
his anger never last forever

there are no hymns here
singing for you is contempt in heaven's courts
our worship is with the heart
not for money
not for fame
we are worshippers
not entertainers

one day  when his anger is gone
and the power of your hold wilts
then you will see the procession of his sons and daughters
free to sing to their king
then your sorrows will be multiplied
then free
the worship from our hearts will come to our mouths
then it will be your turn to bear the burden

your burdens have taught us a new praise
your pain has made us better praisers
but before our shoulders are rid of your burden
our lips will remain sealed
but our hearts will be open
open for his praise alone

Friday, May 4, 2012

Diary Of A Hindered Man

Many times we imagine that the Bible time characters are fictitious.The figment of someones fertile imagination.We hardly ever think that they were people who lived the way we do today.They had household chores,ran errands,had neighbours and had expectation from the society.They slept ,woke and went about being busy like anyone of us.
One interesting character in the Bible was Paul,formerly Saul,he seemed to have had a very peculiar story and seemed to have been faced by many hindrances.Reading through the book of Acts from the ninth chapter ,from his encounter to his call he was faced from city to city by upheavals and hindrances.

Imagine for once that you fellowshipped with Paul and he comes to church one day or writes a letter from some distant missionary outpost saying among other things  "... and Satan hindered us."1 Thess.2:18 or Rom.15:22 "..for this cause also i have been much hindered from coming to you".Or let us imagine that Paul kept a diary and that his writings were contained in the Bible.But how could Satan hinder Paul? Can any one working for God be hindered? Lets take a closer look at the scripture in Romans 15 it says "for this cause..." anytime there is a Godly cause all hell is let loose. Anytime there is a cause God sets you on a divine course and ...hindrances spring up.Paul says in another place that he fought wild beasts at Ephesus,in fact another time he records "...we were pressed above measure in so much that we despaired of life... we received the sentence of death in our selves" 2 cor 1.8-9. but we are comforted by his words also.

For example he writes in his journal" ... through all this things i am more than a conqueror through him who loved us"Rom 8:37. He says everythinhg that hap penned to him was for the advancement of the gospel. The perils of sea,perils of cold , the wanderings and stoning,the lack and travails of falsebrethren was for the furtherance of thr gospel ,he was just saying the travails were bringing out the best in him. Little wonder he constantly asked brothers pray for us. Here is another important lesson. We need to pray for one another.

Lastly he writes two very profound statements. Acts 26:22..."having therefore received help of God i continue to this day" he was saying , i am just like you but as i have received grace, i have received help and because of that all the hindrances were for the furtherance of the gospel.I have continued to this day. if he continued to this day ,then where are the hindrances? they become history because a hindered man is always a helped man.Secondly he said...2 Tim2:9...."wherein i suffer as an evil doer unto bonds but the word of God is not bound"he was writing that the bonds was not capable of holding him but the word of God that cannot be bound was holding him up and delivering help to him.

He was a hindered man but he was also a helped man because he was within the grips of grace. He was overcoming hindrances because he had a divine cause.I pray that the number of our battles will be the number of our victories.that as we have received help we will continue and end well.

The Fonts Of Faith

Were Faith to be Fonts?
 I would wish it was bold
I would wish it was in black and white
Very legible
I wish the fonts of faith were cursive
Startling in beauty and very sure
I wish faith were scrolled in many beautiful colors
Very attractive

But the fonts of Faith are barely seen
The tiny scribbling of a toddler
The silent bowing of questioning heart
The muffled sobs of a bereaved mother
The invisible tears of a torn heart
The shrill clang of pebbles on coffins
Like the possessed boy's father saying
"I believe help thou my faltering"

The fonts of Faith are as tiny as the mustard
As unsure as the toddler's first steps
Yet He says even if your Faith is fainter than mine
That is just enough.
Just enough to have joy back
Just enough to have your son back
Just enough to make all of heaven stop
Just enough
Because he was a tender shoot from a hard ground
He knows how to use little, unsure things
The fonts of my Faith are not big and bold
They are not impressive or certain
They like a pre-schoolers colour book
He meets me half way
He steadies my steps
Holds my hands
Wipes my tears
Changes my diapers
Makes big things from the nothingness of my state.