Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lord,This Burden

We've had a swell evening
strolling hand in hand

the soothing breeze
floats around our banters

you've teased  and tickled
the warmth of your presence so  strong

i have felt light
very free with no worries

i felt like the wind

it feels like the wind and i have something in common
playing"catcher" on the tree tops

you,re about leaving
and I'm so sad

then i remember the burden
lord, i don't feel like the wind again

lord,you should take it with you
this burden

you gently hold my hand
the warmth ,the assurance

and you say
"my grace is more than enough...

my power comes thru where your power ends
so sing about the burden,my wind can carry you both"

1 comment:

  1. Personaly, Im going thru a very hectic period and just last night, I was so burdened as I lay on my bed. I thought about everything and all I could say was "Lord, I'm still grateful".

    I feel like this post is especially for me, just to know again, that his grace is more than enough, and to say again, that Lord, I'm grateful.
